How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go Without Pedaling?

How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go Without Pedaling?

How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go Without Pedaling, pedaling electric bike, e bike with pedals

Commuting is one of the basic tasks everyone undertakes. Whether it be from your home to the grocery store, school, college, and to your workplace. As we move towards becoming sustainable and with increasing gas prices, investing in a bike seems to cover all the boxes. Whether it is for the sake of health, the environment, or your wallet. It gives you a health boost, has no carbon footprint, and you cut the cost of gas.

It does take a lot more energy to pedal a bike than to drive a car. The thought of exertion may sway your opinion on changing the way you commute.

Luckily for us, the concept of electric bikes is becoming mainstream. A bike fitted with a battery that provides you with pedal assistance. Helping you ride faster while exerting less energy.

The latest E-bikes provide you with a “Throttle” option so that you can ride your bike even without pedaling!

Using pedaling electric bike throttle feature means you can take a break and cruise through the bike lane without needing to pedal. This helps you catch your breath and move towards using your bike via pedaling (With or without pedal assist).

In this article, we will be looking at how fast electric bikes go without the need of pedaling.

General Speed of an Electric Bike:

There are a lot of e-bike models available on the market now with different battery ratings ranging from 250-800 watts.

The general consensus is that an electric bike’s average speed is around 15 mph-25 mph (20 km to 45 km). An average e-bike of 250W can go as fast as 20 KM per hour with pedal assist.

How to use the Throttle feature of e bike with pedals?

Running an e-bike without using a pedal requires you to have a throttle. It is a button or feature around your bike handles which you can press/twist to go into throttle mode.

The throttle is usually located on the handlebars. Maybe a small grip or lever, depending on the type of your electric bike.

  1. Turn on the e-bike: Make sure the e-bike is turned on before using the throttle. This can be done by pressing a power button or turning a key.
  2. Accelerate: To start moving, twist the throttle in the direction of acceleration. This will engage the electric motor and start propelling the e-bike forward. The more you twist the throttle, the faster the e-bike will go.
  3. Brake: To stop, apply the brakes on the e-bike as you would on a regular bicycle.
  4. Control the speed: The speed of the e-bike can be controlled by the amount of throttle applied. To go faster, twist the throttle more. To slow down, apply the brakes or twist the throttle less.

It’s important to note that the throttle may only be available in certain modes, such as “throttle only” or “pedal assist.” The modes available and how they work may vary depending on the specific e-bike and its design. Be sure to read the manual for your e-bike to understand how the throttle and other features work.

How Fast Do E-Bikes Go Without Pedaling?

In comparison to conventional bikes, electric bikes hold a significant edge as you can run the bike without even pedaling it in some cases. With pedal assist, you can run your bike at the speed of a professional cyclist zooming through traffic.

After comparing multiple brands and models on the market, it is safe to say that an e-bike can go without pedaling at an average speed of 32 miles per hour (20 KM). This figure varies slightly depending on the battery in your bike and how it is charged.

Following is the comparison of the speed of some e-bikes without pedaling.

Model Average Speed (mph/kmph)
Jetson Journey e-bike 16mph/25kmph
RadRunner 2 e-bike 20mph/32kmph
Batch Step-Thru Plus e-bike 20mph/32kmph
Heybike Mars e-bike 20mph/32kmph
Heybike Cityscape e-bike 19mph/30kmph

Factors Affecting the Speed of an E-bike:

If you are running your bike by charging it via a socket at home, it will need to be charged more frequently if you are running it in throttle mode only. Because if the battery percentage goes down, your bike won’t be able to reach maximum speed and may slow down a bit.

On the other hand, if the battery is charging via a solar panel mounted on the bike, it will be charging every time the bike is idle so your bike will be able to go max speed without pedaling.

The weight on the e-bike matters when it comes to reaching the maximum speed without pedaling. Say that your bike can carry around 80 kg. You weigh 75 kg and you are carrying a load of 20 kg such as a bag or courier delivery. The extra weight requires more energy to run the bike, hence affecting the battery levels and speed of your e-bike


In conclusion, the speed at which electric bikes go without pedaling depends on several factors, including the power of the electric motor, the battery capacity, the weight of the bike, and the terrain. On average, electric bikes can reach speeds of around 20 to 28 miles per hour without pedaling. However, some high-performance electric bikes can go even faster. Additionally, the use of a throttle control can greatly affect the speed of an electric bike without pedaling. It’s important to note that the top speed of an electric bike may also be limited by law in some countries and regions. Overall, electric bikes provide a convenient and efficient mode of transportation, offering speed and power without the need for pedaling.

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It is not recommended to go uphill on an e-bike without pedaling. With pedal assistance, it will be a piece of cake to ride uphill.

No, electric bikes do not charge when you pedal

An e-bike last Around 3-5 hours when fully charged.

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